The Consultative Body as a partnership
The Consultative Body manages the National Park. All owners, managers, stakeholder representatives, entrepreneurs and directors are represented in the Consultative Body. The Consultative Body’s day-to-day management is run by Mr S.B. Swierstra, in the role of independent chairperson. He is also chairperson of the Consultative Body. The role of the day-to-day management is to carefully monitor progress, and to be the contact point of the Consultative Body and those close to it.
The main objective of the Consultative Body is to collaborate on ensuring the continued existence of the nature reserve. This objective is guided by the jointly-formulated Management and Development Plan (Beheers-en Inrichtingsplan – BIP) and Development Plan (Ontwikkelplan -OP). The BIP sets out the National Park’s management and organisational objectives. The OP sets out a joint strategy for the next 10 years, where the following goals are central:
- Reinforcing the nature experience.
- Increasing provision of information and education.
- Stimulating cooperation between entrepreneurs/hosts.
- Promoting awareness of the park.
With regard to increasing awareness, a marketing plan setting out the communications and marketing policy has been jointly drawn up.
The Management and Development Plan and the Development Plan can be downloaded via the links at the bottom of this page.
Meetings of the Consultative Body
The Consultative Body holds meetings twice a year, which may be attended by the public in a gallery provided for the purpose. The agenda and accompanying documents are sent to the members of the Consultative Body and agenda members at least one week before the meeting. The documents can also be consulted here at least a week in advance. There is a right to speak, which must be requested in advance from the secretariat of the Consultative Body.
The agenda items and meeting documents of the Consultative Body can be downloaded via the links at the bottom of this page.
Working Groups
The Consultative Body has set up working groups to advise on specific substantive issues in the National Park. The working groups decide how to carry their tasks among themselves.
The Information, Education and Recreation Working Group (VER in Dutch)
Provides projects and advice to the Consultative Body in terms of experiences and active nature activities, creates a support base, arranges packages and collaborations, and develops multi-year plans.
The Management, Organisation & Monitoring Working Group (BIM in Dutch)
Elaborates and discusses ‘works’ for the National Park, builds a support base for these ‘works’ by exchanging information with local stakeholders, provides advice to the Consultative Body on management, organisation and monitoring, and communicates messages from the regions. Also monitors a number of measures from the Natura 2000 programme each year, and updates and monitors its own sections in the Management and Development Plan.
The Marketing & Promotion Working Group
Creates the marketing plan, advises on marketing the park and associated revenue models, creates a support base for promotion in the region, involves the region with the plans and policies, and raises funds for achieving and supporting the objectives.
Ad hoc working groups
In addition, the Consultative Body can set up ad hoc working groups. These working groups perform or supervise outsourced research, and advise the Consultative Body.
De Alde Feanen National Park Foundation
In order to manage its funds, the Consultative Body established the De Alde Feanen National Park Foundation, which manages the park’s funds. The foundation has its own day-to-day management, comprised of a delegation of the Consultative Body, with the same independent chairperson. See this link for the composition. The foundation is registered with the Dutch Tax Authorities as a General Benefit Institution (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling – ANBI). Public interest demands that ANBIs are transparent.
De Alde Feanen is one of the 20 National Parks in the Netherlands. The Dutch National Parks are part of a global network of National Parks in more than 130 countries. Ducth National Parks represent a cross section of typical Dutch landscapes, with numerous characteristic plants and animals.
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Beheers- en Inrichtingsplan
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Agendastukken en vergaderdocumenten van het overlegorgaan 23 april 2013
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Agendastukken en vergaderdocumenten van het overlegorgaan 24 september 2013
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