
This page is not yet available in German. Below is the English version.

We respect the privacy of all visitors of this website and take responsible care of any information you provide to us. On this page we inform you on which data we gather when using this website, why we gather it and how this improved your user experience. By using this site or by providing any personally identifiable information to us, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

Data from forms

Wanneer u één van de formulieren in deze website invult, ontvangen wij informatie van u. Wij vragen daarom alleen het noodzakelijke, gerelateerd aan het doel van het specifieke formulier.

When you use one of the forms on this website, we receive information from you. We only ask for what is strictly required for the goal of each specific form. The English version of this website has one form, the contact form. In this, we ask for your name, e-mail address and your message to us. This information allows us to follow up on your questions and process your requests.

Received form data is stored for insight into the website’s conversion and for possible future optimization of the website and our processes. We do not use your e-mail address to contact you unsolicited, nor to send unsolicited newsletters or offers. Information that you share with us will never be passed on to third parties without your consent.

All form data is encrypted via SSL before being sent or received, minimizing the chance of interception by third parties.


Cookies are small, simple text files that we store on your device when you visit this website. This website uses a few cookies to gather anonimized statistics about your use of this website, using Google Analytics. Sharing options within Google Analytics have been disabled so that only a minimum of non-personal information is shared with this third party, and IP addresses are not collected. This data gives us insight into visitors‘ use of this website for optimization purposes.

We also use a few cookies for marketing purposes, specifically to personalize ads on Facebook and Google (AdWords). These cookies are only placed if users allow it through our cookie notice.

Cookie-Einwilligung widerrufen

Wenn Sie Marketing-Cookies akzeptiert haben und diese Zustimmung widerrufen möchten, klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche unten. Von da an wird kein neues Tracking mehr durchgeführt, bis Sie die Erlaubnis durch den Cookie-Vermerk erneut erteilen.

Cookie-Einwilligung widerrufen

Questions and remarks

If you have any questions or remarks concerning this privacy policy, please contact us. Should you want insight into any personal data we may have on you, or should you want to see this data removed, you can also contact us.